My name is Ryan Schafer.
I'm a Husband, Father, Photographer, Cinematographer, Producer, Writer, Editor, Director,
and Leader.
What can I help you with today?
With over a decade's worth of experience working in video production, I've discovered that being prepared and paying close attention to details are vital to achieving outstanding results. I've also come to appreciate the importance of communicating well and collaborating with team members to create a final product that meshes well together.
Here's just a small taste of my work.
My love of photography has opened many doors in my career. In a world that continues to move, it's nice when I can stop time in a single frame. Capturing moments in a studio or on location made me fall in love with this profession, and I wouldn't give it up for the world.
I've always loved telling stories. Growing up in Metro Detroit gave me so many to choose from. The sports teams, the companies, the people, and the city itself are all brimming with amazing stories of adversity and triumph. I've spent more than a decade sharing some of those stories and being a part of them as well. I'll make a deal with you:
I'll share my story if you let me help you share yours.
Let's create some stories together!